- This event has passed.
LYCEUM 2021 Sponsors
27/11/2021 @ 09:00 - 28/11/2021 @ 20:00 CET
€300,00 – €750,00We are excited to announce the date for the next 4th BCC LYCEUM has been scheduled for Saturday November 27th.
We hope everyone that attended this year had a great time and learned a lot from the speakers. We know the students loved seeing their peers perform and speak as well so we will be doing the same again next time. So students start practicing your talk the tics and skits as there will be even opportunities for even bigger prizes.
This year, our theme is inspired by BJ Palmer’s 1924 research pamphlet, ‘The Hour has Struck’. In this paper, BJ mentions:
“There is no Chiropractic problem. It is merely a question of discovery, development, understanding and application.
ChiropracTIC rests upon a principle. This remains the same no matter where, who or when. No man can change that principle, but the ChiropracTORS have a problem…the average chiropractor lives in a little narrow rut, which runs between the house and the office and the office and the house…There is something going on outside of your little rut and groove.”
This year, we aim to look at the actionable changes that we can all make to become a pillar of health and vitalism in our community. What can we do NOW that will bring about a better future?
Join us in this year’s BCC Lyceum to listen to the thoughts of incredible speakers from across the world, to watch the finalists of the TalktheTIC competition and participate in a range of fun activities that we have planned just for you.
In speaking of actions we can commit to NOW, scroll down and buy a ticket to the one and only Chiropractic Lyceum in Europe so that we can see you in November.
We would also greatly appreciate your sponsorship and donations to be able to make this event possible for all.
- SILVER level: This goes towards the student and DC awards and includes ANY ONE OF:
- Advert on the Lyceum welcome packet to all participants of the event,
- Advert in all confirmation emails and attendees.
- GOLD level: This goes towards the student and DC awards and includes ANY ONE OF:
- Advert on the Lyceum welcome packet to all participants of the event,
- Advert in all confirmation emails and attendees.
- AND: Advertising during the live stream. Once-daily, 2 times in total.
- PLATINUM level: This goes towards the student and DC awards and includes ANY ONE OF:
- Advert on the Lyceum welcome packet to all participants of the event,
- Advert in all confirmation emails and attendees.
- AND: Advertising during the live stream. Once-daily, 2 times in total.
- PLUS: 4m2 space at the seminar’s venue to showcase your business.
More information to come including event details, speakers, venue and more. So stay tuned, mark your calendars – Cause BCC LYCEUM is happening again!
You can visit BCC-Lyceum.com to see more details of the event.